Schola Minervae: remaking and relaunching

Salutations, Over the last year I have received constant similar feedback from the rapier community: many desire more clear goals, direct in...

Friday, April 30, 2021

On Expectations, part 3

Continuing along on the topic of expectations, I want to touch upon some of what a student ought to be able to expect at a practice from their teacher. This is only part of that total list, but they are critical parts-- without them, nothing else will be enough to make the practice worth your time.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

On Expectations, part 2

Thinking further, I want to also talk about how students might manage the pressure of expectations-- both that they put on themselves, and that others put on them. Pressure can be a useful tool, but not if it's destructive. I could visit the Mariana Trench, but I wouldn't want to live there!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

On Expectations

Part of an upcoming class on how to have an ethical practice that Master Gawin Kappler and I are teaching will include a point about the necessity to set high expectations. Since I expect this to be a point of contention because of past misapprehensions I have encountered on this topic, I want to be clear about what this entails, and why it matters. 

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Schola Minervae: remaking and relaunching


Over the last year I have received constant similar feedback from the rapier community: many desire more clear goals, direct instruction, and quality feedback.

Sometimes fencers are frustrated, do not see a path forward, and struggle to get useful feedback to grow their skills. They are looking for something better organized and truly academic so they too can learn, train, and share. Becoming a great fencer and learning how to teach fencing well are both worthy goals, but are also high mountains to climb.